Posts by: admin

The world can be a scary place, and the internet is no different. In recent years, more and more people are becoming aware of what’s known as the dark web—an underground and unregulated corner of the internet that holds a host of malicious, illegal, or otherwise disturbing online activities. Understanding what the dark web is, is essential to protecting your...

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CTech_MFA Part2

Multi-Factor Authentication is one of the most secure cyber solutions available to organizations, applications, and users today. Some applications require MFA in order to access features and services, and many more offer it as an additional security option that users can choose to enable.   There are a variety of ways to implement MFA through popular applications that work for personal...

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Multi-Factor Authentication

It's hard to create a unique password, let alone remember what password matches up with which account or website. Sometimes, it's just easier to type in "123456" or "password"...two of the top five most commonly used and hacked passwords of 2019. With 63% of all breaches resulting from weak, default, or stolen passwords, even complex passwords aren't enough to stop today's sophisticated...

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ZENworks 2020

| January 29, 2020

ZENworks 2020 was released by Micro Focus in late 2019 and customers are upgrading in increasing numbers. The release plays well into the three core competencies of ZENworks: Managing the lifecycle of all endpointsSecuring endpoint devices against common vulnerabilitiesProtecting company data that lives on endpoint devices All of this runs on an increasingly powerful and well-organized single-pane-of-glass console. Security is...

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Cybersecurity Trends

In 2019, security and operation centers (SOCs) and IT security providers saw enormous growth in organizations needing cybersecurity solutions for detection and response to cybersecurity attacks and breaches, as well as managing overall privacy and user concerns. Cyberhackers are getting smarter and more strategic, and personal data is more at risk than ever. We know that security threats are not...

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At Concensus, one of the most common questions we hear is about why organizations need firewalls, or why an organization should consider replacing or upgrading the firewall they currently have. Firewalls are an essential part of your network and critical to your organization's overall safety and security. The first step is understanding what a firewall is and what it does...

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